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Eric Ratcliffe

Quite a lot of neat 2 stroke oil, getting into ignition pick up housing.
Am I correct, that the small black plastic pipe is to drain this houing.
Also behind the steel oil pump itself, is a driiled hole in a high position, not sealed by oil pump body.
What is this drilled hole for.

Thanks inadvance, Eric.
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Re: SILK 700S MK2

Eric, as far as I know there should be 4 holes, 2 high 2 low, feed and supply. The small pipe is to drain excess from the oil pump housing but I found on mine if the "o" rings are good I got very little in the housing so little I did not have the pipe fitted.

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Re: SILK 700S MK2

In reply to this post by Eric Ratcliffe
The small black pipe does drain this chamber to the primary chaincase.  I haven't seen the other hole you mentioned - not really looked for it!  I don't get much leakage into the ignition chamber - have you replaced the two small O rings which seal the oil pump discharge ports?  There are two more O rings on the oil pump cover which seal the supply ports to the pump as well.