Primary Chain Slipper

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Primary Chain Slipper

Chris Exelby
Finding rubber detritus in the crankcase I figured the rubber slipper was disintegrating and so obtained a replacement  (I think it was a T120 part) at great cost from the US. I removed the cover plate and found that the part had been cleverly modified with a steel base and bonded brass slipper/chain interface. There were more rubber pieces that I could now clean out, so clearly it used to have the factory fitted Triumph part.

Is this a recognised modification and should I be concerned? Will this accelerate wear of the primary chain?

The part is showing some slight wear where the chain has been running along the brass, but the brass is around 3mm thick so its not a concern. Other than that it would seem to work well.
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Re: Primary Chain Slipper

OH the time I have spent on primary chain tensioners!!
Mine was the original T160 one fitted from new. It had been left too slack and taken off the top slipper rubber.
It wasn't a good solution new as the first part needed grinding thinner to fit which spoilt the bond.
I made 3 replacements in nylon each an improvement.
Then in the Yowl Scott mag were drawings for a very well done one with spring loaded tensioner new slipper pad all standard Royal Enfield parts.
Mine is a easier copy of it and appears to work well. I still like the nylon blades but am sticking with it this season.
Send me a contact email if you do not have membership of Scott club.
Mine is now oily after kicking around the bench as I made it.
/Users/nickgilljones/Desktop/Screenshot 2021-07-10 at 14.53.54.png
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Re: Primary Chain Slipper

In reply to this post by Chris Exelby
Chris wouldn't worry your chain running in good modern oil would be fine using this. 👌
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Re: Primary Chain Slipper

Arthur Farrow
In reply to this post by Chris Exelby
Sigh !!

I have a box of tensioners in my Silk Parts stash...they are different types and a picture would possibly have got you a new one from me