Kick start return spring fitting

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Kick start return spring fitting

I had no idea of how to fit my new spring and wasted much time messing about trying to fit the it.
I will give my experience and hopefully easier way that I used in the end, hopefully helping others with this fiddely task.
Buy your new spring from Paul on here- the Scott one doesn't fit tightly on the shaft, it may work if fitted but slipped off during fitting for me.
Remove the two bolts nearest the shaft holding on the gearbox plate.
Fit the new spring the correct way round on the shaft so you compress it pushing clockwise.
With the housing over the spring holding it-
With a finger or screw driver compress the spring turning the housing in order to get the tab lobe end to start to enter the housing.
Hold it in using the housing, turning it gently back to line up the top Allen bolt hole and tighten just finger tight to stop the spring jumping out.
Fit the two other bolts finger tight
now with two flat blade screwdrivers work the spring into the housing pushing gently only until it enters the housing
make sure its in right round by pushing the housing.
My gear box leaks slightly into the spring housing which I think helps lube the spring so I pulled the housing out a bit and ran a bead of silicon round the edge of the housing to hold the oil in.
I have not used the bike much yet but it seems to work correctly.
I hope this helps others as it is a pain of a job and to start with I was convinced the spring was too big!
/Users/nickgilljones/Desktop/Screenshot 2021-07-10 at 14.53.54.png
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Re: Kick start return spring fitting

Glad to help Nick I always try my best to help where I can .... and have served the Silk Community now for many years.
Some come and go maybe I have a clear out soon so watch this space as I have bought a beautiful old Morgan and may now spend some time with that.

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Re: Kick start return spring fitting

Chris Exelby
Hi Paul,

Do you have a kick start return spring you can sell to me? I emailed using the site link but it bounced. Can you email me at ?

Many thanks,

Silk number 46
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Re: Kick start return spring fitting

Hi Chris just sent out one of my last original springs but have a master left
Now working at Norton I may be able to source some quality replacements

Will look into it this week
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Re: Kick start return spring fitting

In reply to this post by Nick
I tried this method but found it difficult to compress the spring enough to fit inside the housing, so I made a simple special tool to assist. It's simply a flat bar approx 100mm long, bent 90 degrees at the end with a 6mm dia stud welded on 2-3mm from the bend to fit inside the end of the spring. The bend and stud are approx 4-5mm long. I had to remove the footrest and brake pedal to provide room to use it.

With the tool fitted on from the rear there is plenty of leverage to turn and compress the spring. I compressed it a bit then fitted the housing over the end of the spring and continued turning the spring until the housing fitted over it all round. I then wound it back a little to allow the 3 fixing screws to be started to prevent the housing from turning and used a screwdriver to ease the spring fully into the housing and off the tool, which could then be removed, before fully tightening the screws. The whole operation was very quick and easy.

I hope I won't need the tool again so if anyone needs it I'm happy to pass it on.

I tried to insert a photo but failed miserably I'm afraid.

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Re: Kick start return spring fitting

I am sorting new springs now which will be better quality to modern standards but may take a few months to be available