Headlamp brackets & speedo/rev counter bezels

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Headlamp brackets & speedo/rev counter bezels

Eric Ratcliffe
Hi, Looking for headlamp brackets,for a Mk11 Silk 700s.
Or a drawing, to make them.
Also, need to replace the speedo/rev counter bezels.
The chrome has gone, pitted etc.
Does any one know, of replacements.

Thanks in advance.
Eric ratcliffe.
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Re: Headlamp brackets & speedo/rev counter bezels

Eric, i'll measure mine and send you details if Clive doesn't have the original drawing for you. Arthur has or had a set of rubbers if you need these. Do I have your details of your frame and engine numbers. Kev
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Re: Headlamp brackets & speedo/rev counter bezels

I have a set if they can be copied?
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Re: Headlamp brackets & speedo/rev counter bezels

In reply to this post by Eric Ratcliffe
Eric did you mean the steel brackets that hold the head light. I have a few somewhere. Give me a call. clive