Fork springs?

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Fork springs?

I have just taken my fork caps off to replace the oil.
The forks are spondon and the springs look a bit like progressive with tight wound coils at one end much wider at the other.  
One had the tight at the top- the other the wider at the top!

Which way should they be?

My thoughts are tighter at the bottom?

/Users/nickgilljones/Desktop/Screenshot 2021-07-10 at 14.53.54.png
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Re: Fork springs?

Hi Nick,
Use the tight end on top. Any spacer also on the top side.
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Re: Fork springs?

Arthur Farrow
I would not think it would make any difference. I'd use the tight coils on the bottom as they will be heavier and improve centre of gravity
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Re: Fork springs?

In reply to this post by Nick
Progressive springs have the tighter windings at the top.
The open windings at the bottom allow free movement under normal road conditions whereas under heavy braking the progressive action is more loaded to the top stiffening the action.