Water slide Silk transfers

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Water slide Silk transfers

Is it possible to purchase Silk waterslide transfers for the petrol tank and side panels.
By Molar.
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Re: Water slide Silk transfers

I think the only copies you can get are from the VMCC transfer scheme, they are not perfect maybe a bit too gold but the best you will find. In fact the only ones you will find.

It may be worth contacting Clive at Foxtwood Cottages to see if he has some originals still floating about?
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Re: Water slide Silk transfers

Thanks Paul, I will follow the avenues you suggest for the Silk transfers, the ones on the VMCC look good, Take care, Molar 
Sent: Sunday, July 10, 2016 11:22 PM
Subject: Re: Water slide Silk transfers
I think the only copies you can get are from the VMCC transfer scheme, they are not perfect maybe a bit too gold but the best you will find. In fact the only ones you will find.

It may be worth contacting Clive at Foxtwood Cottages to see if he has some originals still floating about?

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