Unique Silk for sale

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Unique Silk for sale

Silverstone Auctions are selling a bike supposedly built for a magazine in 1987.
500cc expansion chamber pipes!!
Has anyone ridden any of the last run bikes with these pipes on?

Full details on their site or Classic bike site
/Users/nickgilljones/Desktop/Screenshot 2021-07-10 at 14.53.54.png
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Re: Unique Silk for sale

I think you will find this is a one off bike and the exhaust is unique to this bike. The bike was a magazine prize.  The second owner lived very close to me and had an early Silk 700s on which he did a lot of miles.  I was told about the engine modifications mentioned after big end failures and cylinder head problems.  It also has a water pump to circulate the engine coolant. We parked up next to each other at the Upton bike show a couple of times.
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Re: Unique Silk for sale

Arthur Farrow
Looks to me to need a big recondition...for the brave I suspect !!
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Re: Unique Silk for sale

Wow never thought he would sell that yes met him loads of times at Cassington Bike Night he has a 700ss and also a lovely Rickman Interceptor.
5 to 7k haha and last time I saw it the bike ran beautifully he rode it a lot

I hope he is OK???