Tick over

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Tick over

My tick over revs have risen very slightly after each ride and is now too high and needs investigating.

My first thought is air filter?

But its a K & N gauze and only done 1000 miles since cleaning, which looks hardly dirty so I doubt its the filter.

I am still cleaning it, but wondered where else to try?
/Users/nickgilljones/Desktop/Screenshot 2021-07-10 at 14.53.54.png
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Re: Tick over

Chris Exelby
Hi Nick, it may be that your bike has not been used much recently and the flow of fuel has increased as the jets and passageways have had any crud moved along. Mine has only done 10000 miles and I had the same experience, requiring some resetting as the miles were accumulated. I suggest you wind out the throttle stop screw adjusted on the carburettor body. It’s the screw at 60 degrees pointing up to the slider, in and the idle will increase, out and it will reduce. The horizontal screw close by is the slow running mixture, so best leave that as is.
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Re: Tick over

In reply to this post by Nick
Also found the bikes to be much better with the RAM Air filters

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Re: Tick over

do you know which one, as fits as there's little room?
/Users/nickgilljones/Desktop/Screenshot 2021-07-10 at 14.53.54.png
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Re: Tick over

Thanks Chris, you could well be right as I also had problems with the fuel tap being slow as it was gummed up with white sediment.

All adjusted for tomorrows classic club ride
/Users/nickgilljones/Desktop/Screenshot 2021-07-10 at 14.53.54.png
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Re: Tick over

In reply to this post by Nick
Will have to measure one as I had them made by RAM Air for me.
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Re: Tick over

In reply to this post by Chris Exelby
I think you may be spot on- I have had to drill the the fuel tap as it had white residue restricting flow. I felt this could be from the inside of the aluminium tank?
Ticking over well now!

 On checking the slow running screw it was nearly full in - less than a quarter turn out. I have increased this to 3/4 turnout and its much improved.  What setting are other owners set at - I don't want to over do it, in case it made the mixture too weak?
/Users/nickgilljones/Desktop/Screenshot 2021-07-10 at 14.53.54.png
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Re: Tick over

Modern petrol does funny things and leaves nasty deposits too best thing is to keep the bike running and not standing.

If I remember correctly my mixture screw is about 1 ¼ turns out maybe more 1 ½.

Just adjust it for the fastest idle point then back it off ¼ turn to be safe to start with and check adjust as you cover miles.

Remember this screw only adjusts the mixture at idle so not a risk the minute you pull away the running is effected by slide, needle and main jet.