Spondon forks Parts inside ??

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Spondon forks Parts inside ??

Arthur Farrow
Something odd in my rebuild.

Bike is now a rolling chassis sorting out electrics and the last mechanicals. Did the Front brake today and now that I have a brake I've been bouncing the front forks...ohhhhhh

They seem to "top out" with a clunk. If I put the bike on its side stand and pull it towards me when standing on the left side the forks go CLUNK when they top out

Do they all do that?...normally there is a spring to stop top out. It was 8 years ago I put the forks back together and don't have any pictures of strip down so I'm wondering If I have something missing.

Oh for an illustrated  parts book !!!

Help appreciated (again)

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Re: Spondon forks Parts inside ??

Just tried mine, top out with a nice solid clunk.  I've never had them apart so no idea what is in them.  Of the few forks I have take apart none had springs to stop topping out - probably because they were all old British junk!
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Re[2]: Spondon forks Parts inside ??

Arthur Farrow
Thanks Hendred (what’s your real name?)

Thanks that’s reassuring but not good practice !! I must remember to avoid wheelies!!!

have recently had 81 Bonneville and 60 Velo forks apart and sure they had small top out springs. Anyway what is is as they say. I just curse myself for not taking more pictures as components came apart. Photograph everything its not hard in todays digital world


Arthur Farrow

------ Original Message ------
From: "hendred [via Silk Motorcycles]" <[hidden email]>
To: "Arthur Farrow" <[hidden email]>
Sent: 30/04/2020 10:31:23
Subject: Re: Spondon forks Parts inside ??

Just tried mine, top out with a nice solid clunk.  I've never had them apart so no idea what is in them.  Of the few forks I have take apart none had springs to stop topping out - probably because they were all old British junk!

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Re: Re[2]: Spondon forks Parts inside ??

Not much chance of wheelies with the gearing on a Silk!  

As to the springing and damping of forks much to complicated a subject and many diverse systems used by different manufacturers make it difficult to have a discussion in a forum - may be a topic if we ever have the chance to meet up somewhere.  Played around with Velocette, Dowty, Norton and BSA forks and all different in some way or another.

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Re: Re[2]: Spondon forks Parts inside ??

Did not put the forks parts diagram on the downloads page ?
Will have a look as I know I have the drawings ???
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Re: Re[2]: Spondon forks Parts inside ??

Arthur Farrow
That would be VERY good...I did not see anything on the web pages

Finding it hard to believe there are no topping out springs or even a buffer, but I clearly not the only one