Silk new Owner

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Silk new Owner

Congratulations to Steve on becoming the owner of Silk 700 number 1. I hope you enjoy the bike with many miles of happy riding.
That now leaves me time to get on with the Phoenix, The first job after a complete strip down is to make a new crankshaft, I have the drawings, I like a challenge. Oh and the bikes stripped already.
Will keep you informed.  Kev
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Re: Silk new Owner

Did it move South so we know as we are trying to organise a get togther next year near Oxford?
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Re: Silk new Owner

Bromsgrove area

Sent from my iPhone

On 21 Aug 2013, at 10:49, "Smokey_Paul [via Silk Motorcycles]" <[hidden email]> wrote:

Did it move South so we know as we are trying to organise a get togther next year near Oxford?

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