Silk for sale!

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Silk for sale!

Theres a Silk for sale on Classic MCs ,for sale through Cosmo Classics.
Its a crime and total waste- but appears to have been left outside!
Its described as "not for the faint hearted" but I think its a "for parts"
One for Authur maybe?
/Users/nickgilljones/Desktop/Screenshot 2021-07-10 at 14.53.54.png
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Re: Silk for sale!

Arthur Farrow
Hiya I tried to find the advert and could not. Is there a link please ??

To be honest I have not sold any of the stuff I have for some while now nor have there been any significant requests for parts and thus I do not see it beneficial to have anything made and almost certainly a parts bike would just sit here doing sweet FA.

Still have the covers I made in stock, but once gone there will be no more re ordering.

I still have stuff listed on E BAY but I emphasise this is really just a conduit to get to me.

Cheers  ARTHUR

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Re: Silk for sale!

They have removed the photo- its up as a Silk- Scott if you put this into google it comes up on the right Side.
with the original photo its a mess outside so inside is probably!!!!!!!!!
If I can find your email I will send you it.

Give Cosmo classics a call and ask for the photos its £3500
/Users/nickgilljones/Desktop/Screenshot 2021-07-10 at 14.53.54.png
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Re: Silk for sale!

I have sent it but realised it's now -sold! somebody needs parts a challenge or its Henry Coles next challenge!
/Users/nickgilljones/Desktop/Screenshot 2021-07-10 at 14.53.54.png
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Re: Silk for sale!

Arthur Farrow
Fair restoration job ??

Its funny but there seem a few silks left outside to go manky. I suspect this one IS rebuildable BUT without some expert knowledge of the motor (and parts!) it will be a challenge

But no worse than this one

or this which is my one now restored but not running well

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Re: Silk for sale!

Why does that registration ring a bell PAU 412R ? There were a few PAU reg bikes but I remember one being in an accident I wonder if this is it but I'm sure someone will join here soon.