Silk chain

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Silk chain

Just  a quick question to ask how many links my drive chain has? I am right in thinking it's a 5/8 x 14 chain or 520?

Thanks guys
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Re: Silk chain

5/8 x 1/4 and 520 chain are one and the same the first being the imperial measurement while the second is the modern way of recording the dimensions.

first number 5 = 5 x 1/8th's i.e 5/8

Second number 2 = 2 x 1/8th i.e 2/8 = 1/4

Check your sprocket sizes for chain length hopefully you are on 17 front and 36 rear which may require a half link so buy a bit extra and also a half link to start and cut to length.
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Re: Silk chain

Got my replacement chain from the Chainman.  Needed 97 links of 520 chain for 17/36 tooth sprocket combination i.e. required the half link.  The half link was rivetted in the Chainman and he supplied me with 101 links in total so I could adjust the length to suit the bike.