Silk Rad side panels

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Silk Rad side panels

Hi all, I am stridding on with my rebuild and have come up against the rad chrome side panel fitting or not as the case may be??

Any clues how these fit as I am lost ?

Also is it correct that the AP master cylinder kit for twin disc's is CP2410-1RK?


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Re: Silk Rad side panels

Hi Paul, in what way don't fit,   mine are a little on the large side with no obvious way of fitment, so i used

clear silicon, it seems to match the rest of the bike, i.e.silicon head gasket outer edge, gearbox case,
engine cases, carb, the list is endless.

Over to Clive for  seal kit, I don't know, anyone else know?

Also if anyone has spare part identification no.s let me know and I can get a page together.

You must be getting close to completion, mines going backwards, no.1 needs new liners, so have stripped

rest of bike as paintwork and an extra mod or two req, long process but i'm getting there.
Pheonix has had the paint react so has been removed and starting again.

All the best

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Re: Silk Rad side panels

MMM I did think about Silicon but I hoped for something better, I am sure Clive will come along and help

I am ordering the seal kit from Andover Norton in the morning so I will soon know if it is ok!!!

Yes the bike is coming together nicely I hope to be on the road by May Bank holiday .. or not
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Re: Silk Rad side panels

Hi all,

I can confirm the kit above CP2410-1RK is perfect to repair the Silk AP Lockheed twin disc set up master cylinder but I also had to order a reservoir diaphram as an extra part as well.

Black silicon sealant has done a cracking job fitting the side plates to the rad also, thanks for the tip.

Regards Paul