Silk Dust cover

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Silk Dust cover

Arthur Farrow
Today my bike ran on the road for the first time in lord knows how many years. Superb in all ways. What a Handler!! Brakes especially the front are VERY good. Fancy adjustable AP master cylinder CP3125/2 is excellent. Smooth engine with good power but not yet Strobed the BOYER .

After first ride 9 June 20

As a treat i broke out the custom made bike cover DUST OFF made for me a while ago. The guy does not seem to like to do custom ones any more but worth a try. I supplied the logo so he has in his machine.

Silk indoor cover
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Re: Silk Dust cover

She is looking very good. Glad you enjoyed exercising her. I had mine out for a quick ride tonight to collect some real ale from an enterprising local sports club. My front brakes, also twin discs, are excellent, though I have never been convinced that the rear brake pedal does much more than operate the brake light.
Who did your cover and how much would you expect one to cost?
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Re[2]: Silk Dust cover

Arthur Farrow
It was made by....DUST OFF....!...cost about £35. I have these covers on all my bikes. If the Silk boys were organised we might be able to have a batch made.  AHH Real there another sort ? I enjoyed a brace of Oakham Cirtras in celebration.   :-)

------ Original Message ------
From: "gilesorton [via Silk Motorcycles]" <[hidden email]>
To: "Arthur Farrow" <[hidden email]>
Sent: 09/06/2020 21:14:09
Subject: Re: Silk Dust cover

She is looking very good. Glad you enjoyed exercising her. I had mine out for a quick ride tonight to collect some real ale from an enterprising local sports club. My front brakes, also twin discs, are excellent, though I have never been convinced that the rear brake pedal does much more than operate the brake light.
Who did your cover and how much would you expect one to cost?

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Re: Silk Dust cover

In reply to this post by Arthur Farrow
Arthur well done looks awesome please send me a few pictures for the site