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Silk Cables

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Silk Cables

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Clive does not keep cables so after speaking to him I took all may cables up to " J J Cables Ltd, Hillfields farm, Lighthorne, CV35 0BQ, phone 01926 651470, fax 01926651999. They have speced them all up and are going to keep them on record for any one to order against, Clive as started doing this. The oil pump cable is 75mm longer than the throttle to make routing easier, the clutch is a heavy duty as Clive recomends it to be pulled in when the bike is layed up, rear brake cable with its 3 hole brake arm linkage, all cables with inline adjusters when fitted. The only cable not speced is the front brake, Clive said only 6 made like this, I,v one, so did not think it worth it. Hope this is helpfull to you out there.
Regards Tony
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Re: Silk Cables

597 posts
Hi Tony the same Company made my clutch cable also as I had one made that was slightly different.
