SILK front forks.

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SILK front forks.

I have removed the top caps from the top yokes exposing the circlips and slackened the upper and lower yoke clamp screws, but cannot remove the fork legs from the yokes. Advice, please.
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Re: SILK front forks.

Carefully get some washing up liquid around the rubber seals and start to twist you will feel when they become free. Look on eBay there are some new rubber bushes still for sale I expct you will need to replace these as they crack and break up.
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Re: SILK front forks.

Thanks for the tips.
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Re: SILK front forks.

In reply to this post by Smokey_Paul
Incidentally, I have re-sent the silencer drawings in PDF format, so hope you will be able to see them.
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Re: SILK front forks.

I had to remove the top yolke to release the fork legs. Support the forks because it is very easy to bend the thin rod between the yolkes when the top one comes off.  Apply the washing up liquid first to help removal.