I don't remember any special set up when I took my pump apart. The central worm gear drives the gear which operates the cams of the pumps. It is important to ensure the slot in the operating arm in the cover engages with the pin on the pump otherwise the throttle regulated oiling won't work - mine wasn't when I got the bike because the arm was bent. The small O rings should be replaced as well. Be interested to hear from more experienced owners if there is a specific set up for the pump. Not very helpful response I'm afraid.
Jon thanks very much for your answer i spoke with clive this afternoon and can confirm there is no special set up apart from what you have told me which i am very grateful Peter
There is no set up for the pump, just get the cable cam to locate in the outer housing when refitting as Jon has already said, it can be tricky. ill do a better info sheet for Paul our new webmaster to print on the site, many thanks to Paul for taking over this Task. Kev