The Colchester is now set up and ready to earn it's keep
A 4hp single phase motor.
A coolant pump
The 20 thou deviation taken out from the head, it now cuts true over 6 inches, 24.82mm from last check on both ends, happy day's.
Just need the metal used for the crank webs so I can start a repair.

Will keep updated when I start via forum and photo's.
Barrels should be on their way back to me again after the exhaust port split after the new liners where fitted and also a combination of the R barrel being too tuned and leaving the wall very thin, it lasted about 7 miles. So the new liners have been fitted to the spare block.
One day I might have the pleasure of riding this bike under its own power, not on the end of a tow rope with my other have at the wheel, I'm finding all my clothes have shrunk on one arm.????