I accidentally left the petrol tap in the on position overnight and I noticed some petrol leaking out of the bottom drive chain case close to the back wheel. I removed the primary chain tensioner bolt and petrol (mixed the the TX fluid) ran out, I drained it fully from the chain case plug.
OK so I have an issue with the float level in the carb i can fix, but can anyone explain how the petrol made its way into the primary chain case and then down the drive chain to the back wheel? Is this indicative of seals leaking at other places in the engine?
Investigation has also shown that the petrol tap is not always ''off'' when it says so.
The bike has always been unpredictable to start, sometimes after a few kicks and occasionally many many, and often with clouds of smoke lasting for some time. Thinking about this now this was likely caused by petrol in the crankcase being sucked into the cylinder, causing it to run very rich. burning off.
Could the petrol in the crank, plus sealing issues between the crank and the outside world be the cause of my starting problems?