Oil pump information.

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Oil pump information.

I've recently acquired a Birmingham Scott which has been fitted with a Silk oil pump.

The pump itself appears to be working, 'bubbles' of oil can be seem tracking along the translucent pipes, and although I have yet to take the bike out on the road (I'm currently fettling it in the shed, getting used to its foibles,etc.) I don't (at the moment) have any concerns about it other than not knowing how it works, and how to adjust it if I need to.

I've searched online and am unable to find anything out about this particular type of pump.

There is no throttle control running to the pump, something other Silk pumps appear to have. Is this usual, or a problem? That said, I note that the same situation can be seen on a photo of a Silk pump fitted to race bike.

Any help you can give on this will be gratefully accepted.

Photo of the pump in question attached, hopefully...
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Re: Oil pump information.

Not sure this helps, but in The Scott Motorcycle by Jeff Clew he states that Silk replaced the Pilgrim pump with one based on a 1926 Best and Lloyd. A quick Google produces some info with modern replicas for classic bikes being manufactured. The set-up for these may provide useful info.
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Re: Oil pump information.

In reply to this post by Iain SMITH
I have a Silk pump on a 1930 Scott Flyer which I have been very happy with.  I don't understand why your pump hasn't got a cable adjuster as that was the whole point for this pump.  It was called town and country with handlebar lever control.  The internals are Best and Lloyd items I am fairly sure having such a pump on another Scott.  I have put up a description given by George Silk in the Scott Owners Club Yowl magazine.