Luminition Ignition system

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Luminition Ignition system

Hey Guys , I have had a new wiring harness made from the original. The bike is really taking shape and looking brilliant , the friend of mine who has made my harness wonders if you can offer any advice on what the thin red wire , brown and black ones are used for and where they are connected up to.

Thank you
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Re: Luminition Ignition system

Off the top of my head the thin red goes to the positive of the horn which has two linked spades and the multiple blacks are earths and mount in various places and the brown goes to the black/yellow of course on the loom above the engine.
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Re: Luminition Ignition system

In reply to this post by Titan500
Hope you have found the answer to your question by now.  The wiring diagram for the Silk can be found under Downloads/Technical Data/Silk MK II Manual Part 4.PDF (page 12) 0n his site.  This shows where the wires on the Lumenition box are connected to the coils and ground.  Hope this helps.