Instrument vibration

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Instrument vibration

More info sort please. There are quite a few Silks that have had extra gauges fitted in fairings or else where on the bike. As these are almost certainly Smiths designed for car use and not motorcycle how durable do you find them. The Smiths temperature gauge on the bike I am working on wags about all over the place. When I lift it away from the bike it steadies its self It is the original one and so could already be damaged. Has any one fitted a new one recently and same goes for the rev counter. I remember in the days of production quite a few speedos and rev counters giving up the ghost because of the vibes but not so sure of the temp gauges.
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Re: Instrument vibration

Hi Staffs, I fitted a Lucas 8000rpm similar to this

Works fine for me and seems pretty stable and accurate.
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Re: Instrument vibration

My original Veglia tacho had failed when I acquired my Silk, it has a TIM fitted at the moment which works ok but doesn't look very original.  I think the instrument pod mounting rubbers are too stiff on the Silk.  I have recently acquired a Morini 31/2 with the original Veglia tacho and speedo working ok and I was surprised how soft the rubber mounting pods were.
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Re: Instrument vibration

Yes I agree about the stiff rubbers but I also think the aluminium washers restrict the movement  on the rubbers also. Looks like they could do with a bit of reshaping.