Ignition Timing

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Ignition Timing

The previous thread on ignition timing got me wondering about the advance in crankshaft degrees.  With the conrod information from Gasman, these are the results:

Crankshaft degrees          Piston from TDC
20                                2.72mm
25                                4.20mm
27                                4.88mm
27.5                             5.06mm
30                                5.99mm
32.5                             6.98mm
34                                7.62mm
35                                8.05mm
37.5                             9.17mm

From this it would appear that the 5mm setting for some engines gives approx. 27.5 degrees advance and the 7.62mm setting gives 34 degrees advance.  

I will go and check the advance carefully now to see what I'm really running at.