Identify Parts 3

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Identify Parts 3

Arthur Farrow
Pretty much the last few bits I m not sure about

Odd cut down spoke, but somehow familiar ? Clutch mechanism part ??

I've listed more bits on E bay , but rather sell direct to you all. So far only covered about 40% of costs
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Re: Identify Parts 3

Yes, the part with the short spokes is part of the clutch release
mechanism along with two spare nipples.
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Re: Identify Parts 3

Arthur Farrow
In reply to this post by Arthur Farrow
The long strips with 2 holes are engine drive sprocket lock plates
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Re: Identify Parts 3

In reply to this post by Arthur Farrow
Swing arm shims
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Re: Identify Parts 3

Now that is interesting. I have just made some anodised shims to make up a 3.0 mm gap between the bush facings and the frame adjuster bosses. The shims are both 1.5mm. But the swinging arm spindle is 0.5mm shorter than the swinging arm so I have assumed I will need to add shims  to the spindle to make up 3.5mm plus a bit to allow the arm to move. Bearing in mind the bush facings have worn from new, I am not sure how the bikes left the factory when new. Mine must have needed shims or the spindle would never have moved in the bushes. Probably why my bushes are not worn even after 12000 miles.
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Re: Identify Parts 3

Yes absolutely should be shimmed as you correctly state.
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Re: Identify Parts 3

Arthur Farrow

It seems the shim are NOT swinging arm since as somebody pointed out they are simply too large!

As I have done with all the parts I popped them in a labelled bag and this shows dimensions as attached...are they crank shims???

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Re: Identify Parts 3

I will have a look at my crank for measurements but it doesnt ring a bell..
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Re: Identify Parts 3

In reply to this post by Arthur Farrow
Yes absolutely they are crank end float shims