Headlamp Rubbers

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Headlamp Rubbers

Arthur Farrow
Just to confirm there are now none left. I commissioned the dies and had 2 batches of around 200 items made by my friend Peter (ex RAF engineering) on a pukka hot injection machine but he sold his kit to Dragonfly last year as he made numerous little rubber bits for classic bikes in his retirement.

The dies will in the next few weeks be coming to me however, but I think it would be too complex to get more made and the price would undoubtedly sky rocket perhaps.

If anybody does however want some maybe I can loan the tooling and maybe Dragonfly would make some more or I can probably get the spec of the material and machine on which they were made.

Cheers  ARTHUR
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Re: Headlamp Rubbers

Could I buy the dies and investigate and hold them ?
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Re: Headlamp Rubbers

Arthur Farrow
Hi Paul and thanks for the Silk key ring!!

The dies are not yet with me as the guy who lives in Glos is moving house and I suspect they are packed away, but they will be safe. His house purchase fell through so he is going into rented  so they may not come out of store for a bit

I am happy to pass them on on a long term loan basis at no cost for mutual benefit my only stipulation is they must be readily available to Silk owners.
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Re: Headlamp Rubbers

That was exactly my thought, I am also talking to a number of other people about putting  everything here and I am also getting a few other weird parts together 

I have three Silks with me now being restored

Regards Paul 

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

-------- Original message --------
From: "Arthur Farrow [via Silk Motorcycles]" <[hidden email]>
Date: 09/09/2020 12:26 (GMT+00:00)
To: Smokey_Paul <[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: Headlamp Rubbers

Hi Paul and thanks for the Silk key ring!!

The dies are not yet with me as the guy who lives in Glos is moving house and I suspect they are packed away, but they will be safe. His house purchase fell through so he is going into rented  so they may not come out of store for a bit

I am happy to pass them on on a long term loan basis at no cost for mutual benefit my only stipulation is they must be readily available to Silk owners.

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Re: Headlamp Rubbers

In reply to this post by Arthur Farrow

That was exactly my thought, I am also talking to a number of other people about putting everything here and I am also getting a few other weird parts together 

I have three Silks with me now being restored

Regards Paul 

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

-------- Original message --------
From: "Arthur Farrow [via Silk Motorcycles]" <[hidden email]>
Date: 09/09/2020 12:26 (GMT+00:00)
To: Smokey_Paul <[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: Headlamp Rubbers

Hi Paul and thanks for the Silk key ring!!

The dies are not yet with me as the guy who lives in Glos is moving house and I suspect they are packed away, but they will be safe. His house purchase fell through so he is going into rented  so they may not come out of store for a bit

I am happy to pass them on on a long term loan basis at no cost for mutual benefit my only stipulation is they must be readily available to Silk owners.

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