Carburettor to inlet port rubber interface

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Carburettor to inlet port rubber interface

Chris Exelby
Taking the carb off I can see that the connecting rubber pipe to the manifold is perished. Having failed to obtain the correct part previously (the flange in the pipe did not match the inlet manifold so it vibrated loose) can anyone help me identify the correct part?

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Re: Carburettor to inlet port rubber interface

Amal only list one rubber connecctor for carb to manifold for the 2000 series carbs for petrol, part no 2036/123. Are the diameters of your carb and inlet stub the same?  I don't quite understand the reference to a flange in the pipe.
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Re: Carburettor to inlet port rubber interface

Chris Exelby
The diameter of the inlet port and the carburettor are the same. The problem is there is a circular gulley machined around the outside of the inlet port which is meant to match a corresponding ridge on the rubber pipe, so providing a good mechanical lock. The one I had purchased had no such ridge, the mechanical connection was not made and the carb vibrated off!

It may be that the pipe I purchased is a standard one, and the reference number for the Amal part you have provided is all that I need!
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Re: Carburettor to inlet port rubber interface

I understand your problem now.  I'll have a look at a spare part to see if it has the flange you refer to..
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Re: Carburettor to inlet port rubber interface

I have just checked my spare and it has two half round raised pieces to fit into the grooves on the the carb and inlet manifold.
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Re: Carburettor to inlet port rubber interface

Chris Exelby
I have ordered the part you referenced and so hopefully it will have the correct matching mechanical fixing.

Many thanks for your help!
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Re: Carburettor to inlet port rubber interface

If you have problems let me know as I have some.