Carburettor Shut Off

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Carburettor Shut Off

I have an Amal 2038/302 carb fitted to my Silk.  The slide is reluctant to close fully and I end up with a very fast idle.  I have increased the throttle spring tension which has improved matters but it is still not shutting down completely.  With the engine stopped the slide closes with quite a snap.  I believe it is the original carb and it seems to be in good condition, the bike has done 13,000 miles from new.

Any body else had this problem and has the solution?



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Re: Carburettor Shut Off

Check to see if you have a very small hole in the carb top, if not drill a small hole to make sure your not getting a vacuum when running which would hold the slide up a little. Kev
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Re: Carburettor Shut Off

Carb now shutting off ok, I filed a very small chamfer on the edge of the slide opposite the cutaway.  There must be a very small ridge at the bottom of the carb body which holds the slide up when the engine is running.

Just waiting for the beginning of August to get the tax disc and try the bike in the road.
