Carb Problems

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Carb Problems

Just in case this helps others

I have not used my bike much at all this year, and when I did it would sometimes start and ride fine then cut out. All pointed to fuel as the in-line filter wasn't filling properly.

I changed the filter, fuel tap and removed the tank and washed it out. Took the bottom of the carb off and cleaned the float bowl  (but there was little dirt to start with)
I remove the float valve  and polished it and checked the feed.
As I went to put it back together I noticed dirt in the tube from the fuel filter.
I removed the rubber pipe and the banjo fitting that secures it to the carb.
You guys probably know theres a fuel filter screen in it.  There was loads of fine black particles in this screen.
The rubber pipe has age hardened quite a bit, also I have had to put in E10 a few times.
My thoughts are the particles are off the inside of the rubber pipe as its down stream of the in tank and in-line filters, that have been fitted for the 7 years I have owned the bike.

So I have found my problem just in time for winter!!!!!

/Users/nickgilljones/Desktop/Screenshot 2021-07-10 at 14.53.54.png
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Re: Carb Problems

E10 is a real no no !